PA-11: DCCC Drops Ad Against Barletta

If there was any doubt that Democrat Paul Kanjorski was facing a difficult re-election this year, it should be erased now:

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has purchased ad time in Pennsylvania’s 11th Congressional District targeting Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta, the Republican challenger who is looking to unseat Democratic Rep. Paul Kanjorski. […]

The DCCC ad in Pennsylvania ties Barletta to President George W. Bush, stating that Bush has a friend in Pennsylvania in the Republican challenger. It begins running on Scranton-area television stations on Tuesday and is scheduled to stay up for several weeks.

A DCCC official confirms the ad was shipped to stations in Pennsylvania today and will begin airing tomorrow.

Kanjorski has already gone up on the airwaves early last month, in a move that signaled his concern with Barletta’s challenge. Evidently, the DCCC has seen numbers that show Kanjorski, a 12-term incumbent, in danger this year, and are moving to cut Barletta off at the pass.

There’s no word yet on the size of the DCCC’s buy, but this is a noteworthy expenditure. Kanjorski has not engaged the campaign particularly gracefully, and despite the big advantages that Democrats enjoy across the country, perhaps the atmosphere is there for Barletta to turn this race into a populist revolt against D.C. incumbency. It looks like the DCCC is trying to change the narrative before Barletta can catch on.

SSP currently rates this race as “Likely Democratic“.

7 thoughts on “PA-11: DCCC Drops Ad Against Barletta”

  1. What a nice supprise this race has been in an otherwise gloomy year for us Republicans. Kanjorski is probably one of only two Democrats who face a major re-election threat that wasnt just elected in 2006 (or in the case of Lampson, brought back to Congress).

  2. Here in my home district FL-24, Suzanne Kosmas is running a hell of a race.  I’ve already received a couple of calls from her phonebank, some mail attacking Tom Feeney and some supporting Kosmas, and heard quite a few radio ads from the DCCC attacking Tom Feeney.  

    This is quite a change.  In 2006 I never heard a single ad against Rep. Feeney and never received any mail or phone calls from the Democrat Clint Curtis.  Despite that fact Feeney only won 58-42% in 2006.  Kosmas is a fantastic candidate and I’d strongly urge anyone to donate to her campaign as I already have.

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